Sandhill Growers booth at 2015 Landscape Show demonstrates what they do – pine flatwoods restoration.
FANN member Sandhill Native Growers and Environmental Services of Arcadia received the BEST OF SHOW booth award at the FNGLA Landscape Show held Sept. 24-26, 2015 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando. Landscape Show judges noted how distinctive the booth was in representing Florida and the use of native plants for restoration. Sandhill does a lot of restoration work, particularly in South Florida, and this year, instead of just lining up the plants they have for sale, Sandhill Native Growers opted to use their display to show what the company does – restoration of native Florida ecosystems using Florida native plants. (Last year they did display a lovely wetland mangrove planting). This year’s Sandhill Native Growers booth shows a pine flatwoods ecosystem restoration including invasive exotic pest plant control. Melaleuca trees have been chopped down and the logs stacked. Sandhill owner Tony Yacovetti was proud to receive the award and Sandhill Nursery Manager Chris Holly is the architect of this innovative display. FANN is proud to have a FANN member native nursery, Sandhill Native Growers, take the top award at this year’s FNGLA Landscape Show. Plus it was cool to see Sandhill’s best of show booth featured in a national industry newsletter (scroll to see it):
EarthBalance got special recognition for their booth too! And this is the first time they’ve exhibited at the Landscape Show!
FANN members rock!