2015 Central Florida Native Plant Sale (CFNPS)
MARCH 18, 2015
Native plants for resale to public
Please see list of plants desired (BELOW) for resale to homeowners at Central Florida Native Plant Sale (CFNPS), Friday, April 10 and Saturday, April 11, at Osceola Heritage Park, Kissimmee FL. This sale immediately follows the FANN Native Plant Show.
Bid on entire list or any portion thereof.
$1000 total budget available for purchasing plants.
DONATIONS/DISCOUNTS NEEDED: Plants will be sold by FANN and Central Florida Chapters of the Florida Native Plant Society. Donations are sought in addition to plants to be purchased. All proceeds of the sale benefit FNPS chapters & FANN. Donations can be species listed or others of your choosing. Please include donations in your bid, if possible. Advance information helps us sell better.
SIZES: Small sizes suitable for homeowner carry home PREFERRED, for example: * 4-inch to 1-gallon wildflowers/groundcovers * 1-3g shrubs * 3-7g trees / We cannot purchase any plants over 7g.
DELIVERY: All plants must be delivered to Osceola Heritage Park Exhibition Building, 1901 Chief Osceola Trail, Kissimmee FL 34744, between the hours of 9:00am-4:00pm Wednesday, April 8. No exceptions.
PAYMENT: Full payment will be made by check upon acceptance of delivered plants by fiscal agent Conradina Chapter FNPS.
HOW TO RESPOND: Please use invoice format and indicate $0 for donated plants. FAX your response to 815-927-0128.
All plants sold or donated must be Florida native plants. CFNPS reserves the right to reject plants for reasons of quality or misidentification.
Plant | Qty | |
Amorpha fruticosa | False Indigo | 10 |
Asclepias spp. | Milkweeds | 100 |
Calamintha spp. | Calamint | 15 |
Callicarpa americana | Beautyberry | 15 |
Capsicum anuum | Bird pepper | 15 |
Cercis canadensis | Red Bud | 15 |
Chionanthus virginicus | Fringe Tree | 25 |
Conradina spp. | Pineland Mints | 20 |
Coreopsis lanceolata | Coreopsis | 25 |
Coreopsis leavenworthii | Coreopsis | 20 |
Diospyros | Persimmon | 15 |
Elaphantopus elatus | Elephants foot | 15 |
Erythrina herbacea | Coralbean | 5 |
Gaillardia pulchella | Blanketflower | 15 |
Glandularia tampensis | Tampa Verbena | 20 |
Hamelia patens | Firebush | 20 |
Helianthus debilis | Beach Sunflower | 30 |
Heliotropium angiospermum | Pineland Heliotrope | 10 |
Ilex vomitoria – female pref. | Yaupon Holly | 15 |
Lonicera sempervirens | Coral Honeysuckle | 10 |
Magnolia grandiflora | Southern Magnolia | 7 |
Mimosa strigillosa | Sunshine mimosa | 20 |
Monarda punctata | Dotted Horsemint | 15 |
Morus rubra | Red Mulberry | 10 |
Myrica cerifera | Wax Myrtle | 5 |
Myrcianthes fragrans | Simpson stopper | 10 |
Passiflora incarnata | Passionflower | 10 |
Pinus eliotti | Slash Pine | 5 |
Pinus palustris | longleaf pine | 5 |
Platanus occidentalis | Sycamore | 5 |
Prunus spp. | Plum | 5 |
Psychotria nervosa | Wild coffee | 7 |
Quercus shumardii | Shumard Oak | 7 |
Randia aculeata | White Indigo Berry | 7 |
Rivina humlis | Rouge Plant | 15 |
Rudbeckia | Blackeyed Susan | 15 |
Ruellia carolinenensis | Native Petunia | 25 |
Salvia coccinea | Red Sage | 25 |
Sambucus | Elderberry | 20 |
Serenoa repens silver & green | Saw Palmetto | 10 |
Silphium spp. | Silphium | 15 |
Sisyrinchium angustifolium | Blue-eyed Grass | 10 |
Solidago spp. | Goldenrods | 10 |
Sophora tomentosa | Necklace Pod | 5 |
Stokesia laevis | Stokes Aster | 15 |
Vaccinium darrowi | Blueberry | 20 |
Viburnum obovatum | Walter’s viburnum | 10 |