FANN is the resource for Florida native plants and native landscape and restoration services.
We are a trade association serving business members including growers, retailers, environmental consultants, landscape architects and designers, installers, ecological maintenance experts, and more.
FANN represents the leadership and full diversity of Florida’s native plant industry.
This website promotes FANN members supplying wholesale plants and services to commercial and institutional customers.
For suppliers of plants and services to residential or retail customers, see
FANN provides industry leadership in native plant production, education, marketing and advocacy.
FANN is a small association with mighty ambitions. We see a future where native plants are widely available and preferred for their aesthetic, ecological and economic benefits. Our urban and suburban landscapes will look like Real Florida and function like ecosystems.
Board of Directors
President: Eddie McKeithen, McKeithen Growers
President-elect: Janine Griffiths, Green Thumb
Past President: Jenny Evans, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation Native Landscapes & Garden Center
Vice President: Eryk Jadaszewski, Everglades Native Designs
Treasurer: Chris Holly, Sandhill Growers & Environmental Services
Secretary: Greg Noonan, Connected Landscapes
Director: Carly Batts, B The Change Native Plants and Landscape
Director: Joe Hayden, EarthBlance
Director: Skip Healy, Change of Greenery
Director: Leslie Landert, Landert Landscape Design
Director: Jess Lummus, Sebastian River Farms
Director: Michelle Stafford, Juniper Landscaping
Director: Joe Reams III, Southern Habitats
Education Committee: Janine Griffiths, Green Thumb
Membership Committee: Vacant
Plant Promotion Committee: Vacant
FANN proudly partners with the Florida Native Plant Society, Florida Wildflower Foundation and Wildflower Seed & Plant Growers Association. We work together to advance the native plant movement in Florida by promoting the preservation and use of Florida native plants.
NATIVE PLANT HORTICULTURE FOUNDATION: Without native plants and people who know how to use them, we cannot restore natural and urban areas. The native plant industry is still in its infancy, working with nonprofit partners to educate the public about the importance of native plants to general sustainability. Many native plant grower pioneers are nearing the end of their careers, and facing the same challenges that all small farmers face in expanding and transitioning their operations. FANN helped establish the Native Plant Horticulture Foundation to strengthen and expand the industry by creating more demand for and supply of native plants, and developing more native plant professionals. Without easy access to native plants and professionals who know how to use them, communities are limited in their ability to transform landscapes for sustainability. Together, we can make it happen.
FANN is a proud member of the Fresh from Florida agriculture promotion campaign:
FANN OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 972, Melbourne FL 32902-0972