Real Plants Florida
Growing, planting and promoting
Florida native plants for sustainable landscapes.
Gardeners & Homeowners

Yaupon Holly (Ilex vomitoria)

Type: Shrub Bloom Color:
Light: Salt: No
Soil Moisture: Wildlife Support: b p
NamePhoneCitySizeOther infoQuantity
Big Trees Nursery (352) 332-2150 Newberry 15g 17" Upright, Bush, 3-4' HT 166 _
Central Florida Lands & Timber Nursery (386) 294-1211 Mayo g 91 M
Central Florida Lands & Timber Nursery (386) 294-1211 Mayo 3g 109 _
Central Florida Lands & Timber Nursery (386) 294-1211 Mayo 7g 133 _
Central Florida Lands & Timber Nursery (386) 294-1211 Mayo 15g 166 _
Chiappini Farm Native Nursery (800) 293-5413 Hawthorne #3 112 L
Chiappini Farm Native Nursery (800) 293-5413 Hawthorne #3 Schellings 112 C
Chiappini Farm Native Nursery (800) 293-5413 Hawthorne #3 Weeping + #7 112 L
Chiappini Farm Native Nursery (800) 293-5413 Hawthorne #15 Will Flemming 169 _
Chiappini Farm Native Nursery (800) 293-5413 Hawthorne #7 Schellings 136 _
Chiappini Farm Native Nursery (800) 293-5413 Hawthorne #3 Pride of Houston 112 _
Chiappini Farm Native Nursery (800) 293-5413 Hawthorne #3 Will Fleming 112 _
Enviro Pro Tree Farm (352) 429-1211 Clermont 30g standard 199 _
Fish Branch Tree Farm (863) 735-2242 Zolfo Springs FG 10-12' OA 265 _
Florida Wholesale Growers (813) 927-3108 Wimauma 15g 17" 166 _
Florida Wholesale Growers (813) 927-3108 Wimauma 25g 21" 181 _
Florida Wholesale Growers (813) 927-3108 Wimauma 3g 'Schillings' 109 _
Green Images Native Landscape Plants (407) 719-7341 Christmas 3g 18-24", 7g 4-5' 109 C
Green Images Native Landscape Plants (407) 719-7341 Christmas 15g 6-8' 166 C
Green Isle Gardens (407) 948-8980 Groveland 3g 7 gal and 15gal 109 C
Green Seasons Nursery (941) 776-1605 Parrish 3g 109 _
Green Seasons Nursery (941) 776-1605 Parrish 7g 133 _
Green Seasons Nursery (941) 776-1605 Parrish 15g 166 _
J & R Nursery, LLC (813) 754-0065 Dover 3g 10" cultivars 109 _
Marshall Tree Farm (352) 528-3880 Morriston _ Multi, Roots Plus Grower, 9-11ft HT, 5-6in Cal 300 _
Marshall Tree Farm (352) 528-3880 Morriston _ Multi, Roots Plus Grower 8-9ft HT 3-4in Cal 300 _
Marshall Tree Farm (352) 528-3880 Morriston FG Cultivar 265 _
McKeithen Growers Inc. (941) 290-2000 Myakka City 15g 30g 166 _
McKeithen Growers Inc. (941) 290-2000 Myakka City 15g 30g, 'Weeping' 166 _
Native Butterfly Flowers (321) 626-7386 Palm Bay 3g 109 _
Ornamental Plants & Trees, Inc. (352) 481-0038 Hawthorne LN 13 M
Sandhill (863) 494-9737 Arcadia 3g 10" 109 _
Sandhill (863) 494-9737 Arcadia 45g 28" 217 _
Sunscape East (321) 733-4812 Malabar 65g 32" 238 _
Sunscape East (321) 733-4812 Malabar 200g 21" 256 _
Superior Trees Inc. (850) 971-5159 Lee 15g 166 L
The Natives (863) 422-6664 Davenport g 91 C
The Natives (863) 422-6664 Davenport 3g 109 L
Triple O Nursery Farms, Inc. (800) 273-0656 Homestead 3g 109 M
Triple O Nursery Farms, Inc. (800) 273-0656 Homestead 7g 133 M
Tropic Traditions Nurseries (352) 472-6084 Newberry 3g female 109 M
Tropic Traditions Nurseries (352) 472-6084 Newberry 7g female 133 C
Tropic Traditions Nurseries (352) 472-6084 Newberry 30g female 199 C
Tropic Traditions Nurseries (352) 472-6084 Newberry 15g female 166 C
Tropic Traditions Nurseries (352) 472-6084 Newberry 7g Weeping 133 M
Tropic Traditions Nurseries (352) 472-6084 Newberry 3g Weeping 109 _
Tropic Traditions Nurseries (352) 472-6084 Newberry 15g Weeping 166 M
Tropic Traditions Nurseries (352) 472-6084 Newberry 30g Weeping 199 M
Tropic Traditions Nurseries (352) 472-6084 Newberry g 3g dwarf 91 M
Tropic Traditions Nurseries (352) 472-6084 Newberry 7g dwarf 133 _
Urban Forestry 352-466-3919, mobile 352-234-5768 Micanopy LN 13 M