Please note: Plant inventories change frequently. Please call for availability.
Plant Name | Size | Other info | Sort Order | Quantity |
Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Bacopa caroliniana
(Lemon Bacopa)
BR |
0 |
M |
Bacopa monnieri
(Water Hyssop, Bacopa)
BR |
0 |
M |
Borrichia frutescens
(Silver Sea Oxeye Daisy, Bush Seaside Oxeye)
g |
91 |
L |
Canavalia rosea
(Beach Bean)
4 inch |
55 |
C |
Canna flaccida
(Yellow Canna)
BR |
0 |
M |
Conocarpus erectus
(Green Buttonwood)
g |
91 |
C |
Eragrostis elliottii
(Elliott's Lovegrass, Silver Lovegrass)
g |
91 |
M |
Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis
(Railroad Vine)
g |
91 |
M |
Iris savannarum
(Blue Flag Iris)
BR |
0 |
M |
Iva imbricata
(Beach Elder)
4 inch |
55 |
M |
Laguncularia racemosa
(White Mangrove)
g |
91 |
L |
Muhlenbergia capillaris
(Muhlygrass, Hairgrass)
g |
91 |
M |
Panicum amarum
(Panic grass, Beach grass)
LN |
13 |
M |
Panicum hemitomon
BR |
0 |
M |
Paspalum vaginatum
(Seashore Paspalum)
LN |
13 |
M |
Persicaria punctata
(Dotted Smartweed)
BR |
0 |
M |
Pontederia cordata
(Pickerel Weed)
BR |
0 |
M |
Rudbeckia hirta
(Black-eyed Susan)
g |
91 |
L |
Sagittaria lancifolia subsp. lancifolia
(Lance-leaf Arrowhead)
BR |
0 |
M |
Sagittaria latifolia
(Duck Potato)
BR |
0 |
M |
Spartina bakeri
(Sand Cordgrass)
g |
91 |
M |
Spartina patens
(Saltmeadow Cordgrass)
g |
91 |
M |
Sporobolus virginicus
(Seashore Dropseed)
LN |
13 |
M |
Thalia geniculata
(Alligator Flag, Fire Flag)
BR |
0 |
M |
Tripsacum floridanum
(Florida Gamagrass, Dwarf Fakahatchee)
g |
91 |
C |
Uniola paniculata
(Sea Oats)
LN |
13 |
M |
Telmatoblechnum serrulatum
(Swamp Fern)
BR |
0 |
M |
Lachnanthes caroliana
BR |
0 |
M |
Schizachyrium scoparium
(a bluestem grass)
LN |
4" |
13 |
M |
Batis maritima
LN |
13 |
L |
Distichlis spicata
LN |
13 |
M |
Eragrostis elliottii
(Elliott's Lovegrass, Silver Lovegrass)
LN |
13 |
C |
Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis
(Railroad Vine)
LN |
13 |
M |
Muhlenbergia capillaris
(Muhlygrass, Hairgrass)
LN |
13 |
M |
Panicum hemitomon
LN |
13 |
_ |
Saccharum giganteum
(Giant Plumegrass)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Sesuvium portulacastrum
(Sea Purslane)
4 inch |
55 |
C |
Spartina bakeri
(Sand Cordgrass)
LN |
13 |
M |
Spartina patens
(Saltmeadow Cordgrass)
LN |
13 |
M |
Sporobolus junceus
(Pineland Dropseed)
4 inch |
55 |
L |
Andropogon glomeratus
(Bushy Bluestem, Beardgrass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Borrichia arborescens
(Green Sea Oxeye Daisy, Tree Seaside Oxeye)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Borrichia frutescens
(Silver Sea Oxeye Daisy, Bush Seaside Oxeye)
4 inch |
55 |
C |
Distichlis spicata
4 inch |
55 |
M |
Eragrostis spectabilis
(Purple Lovegrass)
4 inch |
55 |
M |
Flaveria linearis
4 inch |
55 |
C |
Muhlenbergia capillaris
(Muhlygrass, Hairgrass)
4 inch |
55 |
M |
Nephrolepis exaltata
(Boston Fern)
4 inch |
55 |
C |
Rudbeckia hirta
(Black-eyed Susan)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Sorghastrum secundum
(Lopsided Indian Grass)
4 inch |
55 |
C |
Spartina bakeri
(Sand Cordgrass)
4 inch |
55 |
M |
Spartina patens
(Saltmeadow Cordgrass)
4 inch |
55 |
M |
Spartina spartinae
(Gulf Cordgrass)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Tripsacum dactyloides
(Fakahatchee Grass)
4 inch |
55 |
C |
Tripsacum floridanum
(Florida Gamagrass, Dwarf Fakahatchee)
3g |
109 |
C |
Uniola paniculata
(Sea Oats)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Andropogon glomeratus
(Bushy Bluestem, Beardgrass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus
g |
91 |
M |
Bourreria succulenta
(Bahama Strongback, Bahama Strongbark [misapplied])
g |
91 |
L |
Varronia globosa
(Butterfly Sage, Bloodberry)
g |
91 |
L |
Flaveria linearis
g |
91 |
L |
Guapira discolor
g |
91 |
L |
Hibiscus aculeatus
(Pineland Hibiscus)
g |
91 |
_ |
Iris savannarum
(Blue Flag Iris)
g |
91 |
_ |
Kosteletzkya pentacarpos
(Saltmarsh Mallow)
g |
91 |
_ |
Neptunia pubescens
(Yellow Sensitive Plant)
g |
91 |
L |
Paspalum monostachyum
(Gulfdune Paspalum)
g |
91 |
C |
Saccharum giganteum
(Giant Plumegrass)
g |
91 |
L |
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
(Blue-eyed grass, Blue Eyed Grass)
g |
91 |
M |
Uniola paniculata
(Sea Oats)
g |
91 |
M |
Vaccinium myrsinites
(Shiny Blueberry)
g |
91 |
C |
Acrostichum danaeifolium
(Leather Fern)
3g |
109 |
C |
Coccoloba uvifera
(Sea Grape)
g |
91 |
L |
Erythrina herbacea
(Cherokee bean, Coral Bean)
3g |
109 |
L |
Hamelia patens
3g |
"compacta" |
109 |
L |
Laguncularia racemosa
(White Mangrove)
3g |
109 |
L |
Lycium carolinianum
(Christmas Berry)
3g |
109 |
L |
Muhlenbergia capillaris
(Muhlygrass, Hairgrass)
3g |
109 |
C |
Rhizophora mangle
(Red Mangrove)
3g+ |
115 |
C |
Spartina bakeri
(Sand Cordgrass)
3g |
109 |
C |
Annona glabra
(Pond Apple)
7g |
133 |
L |
Lycium carolinianum
(Christmas Berry)
7g |
133 |
L |
Eleocharis cellulosa
BR |
0 |
M |
Eleocharis interstincta
g |
91 |
C |
Hypericum fasciculatum
BR |
0 |
M |
Lachnanthes caroliana
BR |
0 |
M |
Phyla nodiflora
(Creeping Charlie, Frog fruit, Turkey tangle fogfruit, Capeweed, Fogfruit)
BR |
0 |
M |
Bacopa monnieri
(Water Hyssop, Bacopa)
LN |
13 |
C |
Blutaparon vermiculare
(Beach Carpet, Samphire, Silverhead)
3g+ |
115 |
_ |
Spartina alterniflora
(Smooth Cordgrass)
LN |
13 |
M |
Juncus roemerianus
(Black Rush)
4 inch |
55 |
C |
Liatris spicata
(Blazing Star)
g |
91 |
C |
Avicennia germinans
(Black Mangrove)
g |
91 |
_ |
Borrichia frutescens
(Silver Sea Oxeye Daisy, Bush Seaside Oxeye)
2 inch+ |
40 |
C |
Canna flaccida
(Yellow Canna)
g |
91 |
C |
Chrysobalanus icaco
g |
91 |
L |
Eragrostis spectabilis
(Purple Lovegrass)
g |
91 |
C |
Gaillardia pulchella
g |
91 |
_ |
Juncus roemerianus
(Black Rush)
g |
91 |
C |
Lantana involucrata
(Native White Lantana, Wild Sage, Butterfly sage)
g |
91 |
L |
Pontederia cordata
(Pickerel Weed)
g |
91 |
C |
Rhizophora mangle
(Red Mangrove)
g |
91 |
M |
Sagittaria lancifolia subsp. lancifolia
(Lance-leaf Arrowhead)
g |
91 |
C |
Saururus cernuus
(Lizard's Tail)
g |
91 |
_ |
Spartina alterniflora
(Smooth Cordgrass)
4 inch |
55 |
M |
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
(Native Blue Porterweed)
g |
91 |
L |
Suriana maritima
(Bay Cedar)
g |
91 |
C |
Annona glabra
(Pond Apple)
3g |
109 |
L |
Conocarpus erectus
(Green Buttonwood)
3g |
109 |
C |
Lantana involucrata
(Native White Lantana, Wild Sage, Butterfly sage)
3g |
109 |
L |
Morella cerifera
(Wax Myrtle, Southern Bayberry)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Psychotria nervosa
(Shiny Leaf Wild Coffee, Wild Coffee)
3g |
109 |
C |
Saccharum giganteum
(Giant Plumegrass)
3g |
109 |
L |
Rhizophora mangle
(Red Mangrove)
7g |
133 |
C |
Batis maritima
g |
91 |
L |
Distichlis spicata
g |
91 |
C |
Panicum amarum
(Panic grass, Beach grass)
4 inch |
55 |
M |
Mimosa strigillosa
(Sunshine Mimosa, Powderpuff)
4 inch |
55 |
M |
Mimosa strigillosa
(Sunshine Mimosa, Powderpuff)
g |
91 |
L |
Canavalia rosea
(Beach Bean)
g |
91 |
C |
Ernodea littoralis
(Golden Creeper, Beach Creeper, Golden Beach Creeper)
3g |
109 |
C |
Helianthus debilis subsp. vestitus
(West Coast Dune Sunflower)
g |
91 |
C |
Myrsine cubana
3g |
109 |
C |
Opuntia stricta
(Erect Prickly Pear Cactus)
g |
91 |
C |
Ageratum littorale
(Dune Mistflower)
g |
91 |
C |
Ageratum littorale
(Dune Mistflower)
LN |
13 |
C |
Solidago sempervirens
(Goldenrod, Seaside goldenrod)
2 inch |
37 |
M |
Chiococca alba
g |
91 |
C |
Panicum virgatum
g |
91 |
L |
Randia aculeata
(White Indigo Berry)
3g |
109 |
C |
Callicarpa americana
(Beautyberry, American Beautyberry)
g |
91 |
M |
Callicarpa americana
(Beautyberry, American Beautyberry)
3g |
109 |
C |
Zamia integrifolia
3g |
109 |
L |
Erythrina herbacea
(Cherokee bean, Coral Bean)
g |
91 |
C |
Conradina canescens
(Scrub Mint)
g |
91 |
C |
Hamelia patens 'Calusa' (TM)
(Calusa Firebush)
3g |
109 |
C |
Forestiera segregata
(Florida Privet)
3g |
109 |
L |
Sophora tomentosa var. truncata
(Necklace Pod)
3g |
109 |
L |
Myrcianthes fragrans
(Simpson Stopper)
3g |
109 |
C |
Melochia tomentosa
(Pyramid Bush, Tea Bush, Grayleaf)
3g |
109 |
C |
Viburnum obovatum
(Walter's Viburnum)
3g |
109 |
L |
Viburnum obovatum
(Walter's Viburnum)
7g |
133 |
L |
Viburnum obovatum 'Withlacoochee' (TM)
(Withlacoochee Viburnum (TM))
7g |
133 |
M |
Viburnum obovatum 'Withlacoochee' (TM)
(Withlacoochee Viburnum (TM))
3g |
109 |
C |
Asclepias incarnata
(Swamp Milkweed, Pink Milkweed, Rose Milkweed)
4 inch |
55 |
C |
Asclepias incarnata
(Swamp Milkweed, Pink Milkweed, Rose Milkweed)
g |
91 |
C |
Monarda punctata
(Dotted Horsemint, Spotted Beebalm)
g |
91 |
C |
Asclepias verticillata
(Whorl-leaf Milkweed, Whorled Milkweed)
g |
91 |
C |
Liatris tenuifolia
(Narrow-leaved Liatris)
g |
91 |
C |
Trichostema dichotomum
(Blue Curls)
g |
91 |
C |
Salvia azurea
(Blue Sage)
g |
91 |
C |
Solidago canadensis var. scabra
(Canada goldenrod)
g |
91 |
C |
Gelsemium sempervirens
(Carolina Jessamine)
g |
91 |
C |
Gelsemium sempervirens
(Carolina Jessamine)
3g |
109 |
L |
Lonicera sempervirens
(Coral Honeysuckle)
g |
91 |
L |
Salvia misella
(Creeping Sage)
g |
91 |
C |
Rudbeckia laciniata
(Cutleaf Coneflower)
g |
91 |
L |
Ruellia caroliniensis
(Wild Petunia)
g |
91 |
C |
Chrysopsis floridana
g |
91 |
C |
Ipomoea microdactyla
(Man in the ground)
g |
91 |
L |
Ipomoea microdactyla
(Man in the ground)
g |
91 |
C |
Ipomoea microdactyla
(Man in the ground)
g |
91 |
L |
Passiflora suberosa
(Corky Stem Passionflower)
3g |
109 |
C |
Piloblephis rigida
(Florida Pennyroyal)
g |
91 |
C |
Euploca polyphylla
(Pineland Heliotrope)
g |
Yellow |
91 |
C |
Rivina humilis
(Rouge Plant, Rougeberry)
g |
91 |
C |
Heliotropium angiospermum
g |
91 |
C |
Pityopsis graminifolia
(Golden Aster, Silkgrass)
g |
91 |
C |
Stokesia laevis
(Stoke's Aster)
g |
91 |
C |
Helianthus angustifolius
(Narrow-leaf Sunflower)
g |
91 |
C |
Dyschoriste humistrata
(Twinflower, Small-flowered Twinflower)
g |
91 |
C |
Coreopsis lanceolata
(Lance-leaved Tickseed, Lanceleaf Coreopsis)
g |
91 |
C |
Coreopsis leavenworthii
(Tickseed, Coreopsis)
g |
91 |
C |
Dyschoriste oblongifolia
g |
91 |
C |
Taxodium distichum
(Bald Cypress)
g |
91 |
C |
Taxodium distichum
(Bald Cypress)
3g |
109 |
C |
Taxodium distichum
(Bald Cypress)
7g |
133 |
C |
Avicennia germinans
(Black Mangrove)
3g |
109 |
L |
Cephalanthus occidentalis
(Buttonbush, Buttonflower)
g |
91 |
C |
Juncus roemerianus
(Black Rush)
2 inch |
37 |
M |
Hamelia patens
g |
var. Glabra |
91 |
C |
Quercus laurifolia
(Laurel Oak, Swamp Oak, Diamond-leaf Oak)
g |
91 |
M |
Quercus laurifolia
(Laurel Oak, Swamp Oak, Diamond-leaf Oak)
3g |
109 |
C |
Schizachyrium scoparium
(a bluestem grass)
g |
91 |
C |
Iva frutescens
(Marsh Elder)
3g |
109 |
C |
Sophora tomentosa var. truncata
(Necklace Pod)
g |
91 |
C |
Panicum amarum
(Panic grass, Beach grass)
g |
91 |
C |
Sporobolus junceus
(Pineland Dropseed)
g |
91 |
M |
Fraxinus caroliniana
(Pop Ash)
3g |
109 |
C |
Andropogon glomeratus var. glaucopsis
(Purple Bluestem)
g |
91 |
C |
Acer rubrum
(Red Maple)
g |
91 |
M |
Baccharis halimifolia
(Salt Bush)
3g |
109 |
L |
Cladium jamaicense
(Native Sawgrass, Sawgrass)
4 inch |
55 |
M |
Hibiscus coccineus
(Scarlet Hibiscus)
3g |
109 |
L |
Pinus elliottii
(Slash Pine)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Juncus effusus subsp. solutus
(Soft Rush)
g |
91 |
M |
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
(Soft-stem Bulrush)
g |
Scirpus Validus |
91 |
M |
Melochia tomentosa
(Pyramid Bush, Tea Bush, Grayleaf)
g |
91 |
L |
Borrichia arborescens
(Green Sea Oxeye Daisy, Tree Seaside Oxeye)
3g |
109 |
C |
Quercus nigra
(Water Oak)
7g |
133 |
L |
Solidago sempervirens
(Goldenrod, Seaside goldenrod)
g |
91 |
C |
Tripsacum dactyloides
(Fakahatchee Grass)
g |
91 |
C |
Psychotria ligustrifolia
(Bahama Coffee)
3g |
109 |
L |
Senna mexicana var. chapmanii
(Bahama Cassia, Chapman's Senna)
g |
91 |
C |
Senna mexicana var. chapmanii
(Bahama Cassia, Chapman's Senna)
3g |
109 |
C |
Ipomoea imperati
(Beach Morning Glory)
g |
91 |
C |
Glandularia maritima
(Beach Verbena)
g |
91 |
C |
Scaevola plumieri
(Inkberry, Scaevola)
3g |
109 |
L |
Quadrella jamaicensis
(Jamaica Caper)
3g |
109 |
C |
Quadrella jamaicensis
(Jamaica Caper)
7g |
133 |
C |
Ardisia escallonioides
g |
91 |
L |
Ardisia escallonioides
3g |
109 |
L |
Ardisia escallonioides
7g |
133 |
L |
Opuntia stricta
(Erect Prickly Pear Cactus)
g |
91 |
C |
Sesuvium portulacastrum
(Sea Purslane)
LN |
13 |
M |
Sporobolus virginicus
(Seashore Dropseed)
4 inch |
55 |
M |
Paspalum vaginatum
(Seashore Paspalum)
4 inch |
55 |
M |
Eugenia foetida
(Spanish Stopper)
3g |
109 |
C |
Vaccinium darrowii
3g |
109 |
C |
Lyonia lucida
(Fetterbush, Shiny Lyonia)
3g |
109 |
C |
Ilex glabra
(Gallberry, Inkberry)
3g |
109 |
C |
Serenoa repens
(Saw Palmetto)
g |
91 |
C |
Serenoa repens
(Saw Palmetto)
3g |
109 |
C |
Crossopetalum ilicifolium
g |
91 |
C |
Bignonia capreolata
(Cross Vine)
g |
91 |
L |
Bignonia capreolata
(Cross Vine)
3g |
109 |
L |
Berlandiera subacaulis
g |
91 |
L |
Euploca polyphylla
(Pineland Heliotrope)
g |
White |
91 |
L |
Cephalanthus occidentalis
(Buttonbush, Buttonflower)
3g |
109 |
C |
Tripsacum dactyloides
(Fakahatchee Grass)
3g |
109 |
L |
Spartina spartinae
(Gulf Cordgrass)
g |
91 |
M |
Chrysobalanus icaco
3g |
Horizontal |
109 |
C |
Coccoloba uvifera
(Sea Grape)
7g |
133 |
L |
Coccoloba uvifera
(Sea Grape)
3g |
109 |
C |