Real Plants Florida
Growing, planting and promoting
Florida native plants for sustainable landscapes.
Gardeners & Homeowners

Green Images Native Landscape Plants


1333 Taylor Creek Rd (View on Map)
Christmas, Florida 32709-9640
Orange County

Other Phone:
407-579-6887 Jim

We grow native plants for Florida and the Coastal Plain, urban and residential, green/sustainable landscapes. Contract growing, trees, shrubs, palms, vines, grasses, and wildflowers. Silver saw palmetto in 7 and 15g. Over 30 years of "hands-on experience" provides our clients sustainable landscape designs.

Please note: Plant inventories change frequently. Please call for availability.

Plant NameSizeOther infoSort OrderQuantity
Aesculus pavia (Red Buckeye) 3g 2-3', 5', 7g, 15g 109 C
Agarista populifolia (Pipe-stem Wood) g 12", 18-24", 7g 91 C
Andropogon virginicus var. glaucus (Chalky Bluestem) g full, contract grow 91 M
Ardisia escallonioides (Marlberry) 7g 24-36" 133 L
Aristida stricta (Wiregrass) g+ contract grow only 97 M
Berlandiera subacaulis (Greeneyes) g 91 L
Boehmeria cylindrica (False nettle) g 91 L
Callicarpa americana (Beautyberry, American Beautyberry) 3g 18-24" 109 M
Calycanthus floridus var. floridus (Sweet Shrub, Allspice) 3g 18-24" 109 L
Carphephorus corymbosus (Florida Paintbrush) g 91 L
Cephalanthus occidentalis (Buttonbush, Buttonflower) g 3g 91 C
Chamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge Pea) g 91 L
Chionanthus virginicus (Fringetree) 3g 2-3', 7g, 15g 109 C
Chrysopsis mariana (Goldenaster) g fall flower 91 C
Coreopsis floridana (October Daisy) g fall flower 91 C
Coreopsis leavenworthii (Tickseed, Coreopsis) g spring flower, OR 91 C
Crataegus flava (Summer Haw) 7g BB, 8-10' x 6-8', 3 133 L
Crataegus flava (Summer Haw) FG 4-5' 265 C
Eragrostis elliottii (Elliott's Lovegrass, Silver Lovegrass) g full 91 M
Eragrostis spectabilis (Purple Lovegrass) g 91 M
Erythrina herbacea (Cherokee bean, Coral Bean) g 91 L
Forestiera segregata (Florida Privet) 3g 18-24" 109 M
Gaillardia pulchella () 4 inch g full 55 C
Hamelia patens (Firebush) g 3g 91 _
Helianthus angustifolius (Narrow-leaf Sunflower) g 91 C
Helianthus debilis (East Coast Dune Sunflower) g contract grow 91 C
Helianthus radula (Rayless Sunflower, Manflower) g full 91 C
Hibiscus coccineus (Scarlet Hibiscus) g 3g 91 C
Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf Hydrangea) 3g 24-30" 109 L
Hypericum tenuifolium (St. Johns Wort, Scrub Wort) g 91 C
Ilex glabra (Gallberry, Inkberry) 3g 18-24" compact 109 C
Ilex vomitoria (Yaupon Holly) 3g 18-24", 7g 4-5' 109 C
Ilex vomitoria (Yaupon Holly) 15g 6-8' 166 C
Illicium parviflorum (Yellow Anise) 3g 18-24", 7g 4' 109 C
Iris savannarum (Blue Flag Iris) g 91 M
Juniperus silicicola (Southern Red Cedar) g 2', 7g 4-5' 91 C
Leucothoe axillaris (Dog-Hobble) g 3g, 12-15", g 91 L
Geobalanus oblongifolius (Gopher Apple) g 5-7" OA 91 M
Lindera benzoin (Spicebush) 3g 109 C
Liriodendron tulipifera (Tulip Poplar) 15g 8-9', 3g, 7g Ctrl FL source 166 C
Lonicera sempervirens (Coral Honeysuckle) g+ 3g 97 C
Lyonia lucida (Fetterbush, Shiny Lyonia) 3g 18-24" 109 L
Mimosa strigillosa (Sunshine Mimosa, Powderpuff) g 11 x 22" trays 91 C
Monarda punctata (Dotted Horsemint, Spotted Beebalm) g 91 L
Muhlenbergia capillaris (Muhlygrass, Hairgrass) g 4", 3g 91 C
Myrcianthes fragrans (Simpson Stopper) 3g 15-20", 7g, 15g 109 C
Passiflora incarnata (Passionflower, Maypop) g 91 L
Persea borbonia (Florida Red Bay) 3g 7g 109 L
Persea palustris (Swamp Bay) 3g 109 L
Phyla nodiflora (Creeping Charlie, Frog fruit, Turkey tangle fogfruit, Capeweed, Fogfruit) 4 inch 6" plugs 55 M
Pinus palustris (Longleaf Pine, Southern Yellow Pine) 15g 5-7', 7g 166 L
Pinus palustris (Longleaf Pine, Southern Yellow Pine) FG BB, 12-16' x 6', 3" 265 L
Pityopsis tracyi (narrowleaf silkgrass, Tracy's goldenaster) g 91 M
Prunus angustifolia (Chickasaw Plum) FG BB, 8-10' x 8, 3"+C 265 C
Psychotria nervosa (Shiny Leaf Wild Coffee, Wild Coffee) 3g 109 C
Quercus geminata (Sand Live Oak, Scrub Oak) FG 12-14' OA 265 L
Quercus geminata (Sand Live Oak, Scrub Oak) 3g 4-5' 109 C
Quercus myrtifolia (Myrtle Oak) 3g 2-3' 109 C
Quercus myrtifolia (Myrtle Oak) 15g 4-5' 166 C
Rhapidophyllum hystrix (Needle Palm, Native Lady Palm) 7g 24-30" / 15g 3' x 3' 133 C
Rhododendron canescens (Florida Pinxter Azalea) 3g 2-3' 109 C
Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed Susan) g 4" 91 M
Ruellia caroliniensis (Wild Petunia) g 4" 91 M
Sabal minor (Dwarf Palmetto, Blue stem Palmetto) 15g 36-48", 7g, 3g 166 C
Salvia coccinea (Tropical Red Sage, Red Sage) g 4" 91 C
Salvia lyrata (Lyre-Leaved sage, Lyreleaf Sage) 4 inch g 55 C
Serenoa repens (Saw Palmetto) 3g 18"+, g 6-8" 109 M
Serenoa repens 'Silver' (Silver Saw Palmetto) 3g 16-18", 7g 24" 109 M
Serenoa repens 'Silver' (Silver Saw Palmetto) 7g 24-28-30" 133 M
Serenoa repens 'Silver' (Silver Saw Palmetto) 15g 30-36" 166 C
Sisyrinchium angustifolium (Blue-eyed grass, Blue Eyed Grass) g white 91 C
Solidago odora var. chapmanii (Chapman's Goldenrod) g nice 91 C
Solidago sempervirens (Goldenrod, Seaside goldenrod) g full 91 L
Spartina bakeri (Sand Cordgrass) g 18-24", 3g 24-30" 91 M
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (Native Blue Porterweed) g 91 L
Stokesia laevis (Stoke's Aster) g full 91 L
Symphyotrichum carolinianum (Climbing Aster, Carolina Aster) g+ 97 L
Taxodium ascendens (Pond Cypress) 3g 4-6', 7g, 15g 109 M
Taxodium ascendens (Pond Cypress) FG BB, 14-20' x6', 3" 265 C
Taxodium distichum (Bald Cypress) 3g 4-6', 15g 109 C
Taxodium distichum (Bald Cypress) FG 265 C
Tradescantia ohiensis (Spiderwort) g 91 C
Tradescantia ohiensis 'White' (White Spiderwort) g 91 C
Trichostema dichotomum (Blue Curls) g 91 C
Tripsacum floridanum (Florida Gamagrass, Dwarf Fakahatchee) g+ 3g 97 C
Vernonia angustifolia (Ironweed, Florida Ironweed, Blodgett's Ironweed, Tall Ironweed) g 91 L
Viburnum nudum (Possum Haw) 15g 6-7', huge 166 L
Viburnum obovatum (Walter's Viburnum) 15g upright 6-7', 7g 5-6' 166 C
Viburnum obovatum (compact form) (Compact Walter's Viburnum) 3g 'Densa' 15-18" 109 M
Zamia integrifolia (Coontie) 3g+ 15-18" 115 M
Zamia integrifolia (Coontie) 7g 24" x 24" 133 C
Zephyranthes atamasca (Rain Lily) g 91 C
Chionanthus virginicus (Fringetree) FG 6-8' 265 C
Carphephorus paniculatus (Deer Tongue) g 4" 91 C
Carphephorus carnosus (Bald-headed Carphephorus) g 91 C
Carpinus caroliniana (Blue Beech, Hornbeam) 3g 3-4' 109 L
Carya glabra (Pignut Hickory) 3g 3' 109 C
Cercis canadensis (Redbud) 3g 3', 7g 5-6' 109 C
Elephantopus elatus (Tall Elephant's Foot) g 91 C
Eryngium yuccifolium (Button Snakeroot) g 91 L
Fraxinus caroliniana (Pop Ash) 3g 109 C
Garberia heterophylla (Garberia) g 91 L
Nyssa biflora (Swamp Tupelo) 3g 4-5' 109 L
Panicum hemitomon (Maidencane) g 91 M
Passiflora suberosa (Corky Stem Passionflower) g 91 L
Penstemon multiflorus (Beardtongue, Penstemon) g full 91 C
Pinus elliottii var. densa (South Florida Slash Pine) 7g 133 L
Pinus glabra (Spruce Pine) 3g 109 C
Pinus serotina (Pond Pine) 3g 109 C
Pityopsis tracyi (narrowleaf silkgrass, Tracy's goldenaster) g 91 M
Prunus umbellata (Flatwoods Plum) 3g 4', 7g 5-6' 109 C
Quercus laevis (Turkey Oak) 3g 2-8' 109 C
Quercus virginiana (Southern Live Oak, Live Oak) 3g 4' 109 C
Quercus hemisphaerica (Laurel Oak, Darlington oak) 3g 4' 109 C
Rhododendron viscosum (Swamp Azalea) 3g 3-4' 109 L
Ulmus alata (Winged Elm) 3g 15g, FG 109 C
Vernonia gigantea (Giant Ironweed) g 91 C