Green Seasons Nursery
Wildflowers, Liners
12340 State Rd 62
(View on Map)
Parrish, Florida 34219
Manatee County
Growers specializing in Native Plant species. We offer Sea Oats and many other coastal species, annual and perennial Wildflowers (Florida Ecotypes), grasses and upland shrubs. We grow more than 80 species of finished plant material available in sizes from Liner to 15 Gallon. Please call for current availability.
We offer contract grow services and delivery (call for details). We currently ship to the southeastern US (Texas, Louisiana Certified) and offshore throughout the Caribbean.
Owned and operated by EarthBalance
Please note: Plant inventories change frequently. Please call for availability.
Plant Name | Size | Other info | Sort Order | Quantity |
Ardisia escallonioides
3g |
109 |
_ |
Heliotropium gnaphalodes
(Sea Lavender)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Borrichia frutescens
(Silver Sea Oxeye Daisy, Bush Seaside Oxeye)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Callicarpa americana
(Beautyberry, American Beautyberry)
g |
91 |
_ |
Canavalia rosea
(Beach Bean)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Distichlis spicata
LN |
13 |
_ |
Eragrostis elliottii
(Elliott's Lovegrass, Silver Lovegrass)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Ernodea littoralis
(Golden Creeper, Beach Creeper, Golden Beach Creeper)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Forestiera segregata
(Florida Privet)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Gaillardia pulchella
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Hamelia patens
g |
91 |
_ |
Helianthus debilis subsp. vestitus
(West Coast Dune Sunflower)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Ilex glabra
(Gallberry, Inkberry)
g |
91 |
_ |
Ipomoea imperati
(Beach Morning Glory)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis
(Railroad Vine)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Iva imbricata
(Beach Elder)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Mimosa strigillosa
(Sunshine Mimosa, Powderpuff)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Muhlenbergia capillaris
(Muhlygrass, Hairgrass)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Panicum amarum
(Panic grass, Beach grass)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Paspalum vaginatum
(Seashore Paspalum)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Psychotria nervosa
(Shiny Leaf Wild Coffee, Wild Coffee)
g |
91 |
_ |
Randia aculeata
(White Indigo Berry)
g |
91 |
_ |
Scaevola plumieri
(Inkberry, Scaevola)
g |
91 |
_ |
Serenoa repens 'Silver'
(Silver Saw Palmetto)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Sesuvium portulacastrum
(Sea Purslane)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Spartina bakeri
(Sand Cordgrass)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Spartina patens
(Saltmeadow Cordgrass)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Sporobolus virginicus
(Seashore Dropseed)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Tripsacum dactyloides
(Fakahatchee Grass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Tripsacum floridanum
(Florida Gamagrass, Dwarf Fakahatchee)
g |
91 |
_ |
Uniola paniculata
(Sea Oats)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Bignonia capreolata
(Cross Vine)
g+ |
3G Trellis |
97 |
C |
Coreopsis lanceolata
(Lance-leaved Tickseed, Lanceleaf Coreopsis)
g |
91 |
_ |
Coreopsis leavenworthii
(Tickseed, Coreopsis)
g |
91 |
_ |
Dyschoriste oblongifolia
g |
91 |
_ |
Eragrostis spectabilis
(Purple Lovegrass)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Flaveria linearis
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Geobalanus oblongifolius
(Gopher Apple)
g |
91 |
_ |
Lonicera sempervirens
(Coral Honeysuckle)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Rudbeckia laciniata
(Cutleaf Coneflower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Salvia coccinea
(Tropical Red Sage, Red Sage)
g |
91 |
_ |
Silphium asteriscus
(Starry Rosinweed, Starry Rosinflower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
(Native Blue Porterweed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Suriana maritima
(Bay Cedar)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Symphyotrichum carolinianum
(Climbing Aster, Carolina Aster)
g |
91 |
_ |
Viburnum obovatum
(Walter's Viburnum)
3g |
Densa |
109 |
_ |
Zamia integrifolia
3g |
109 |
_ |
Erythrina herbacea
(Cherokee bean, Coral Bean)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Monarda punctata
(Dotted Horsemint, Spotted Beebalm)
g |
91 |
_ |
Glandularia maritima
(Beach Verbena)
g |
91 |
_ |
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
(Blue-eyed grass, Blue Eyed Grass)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Gelsemium sempervirens
(Carolina Jessamine)
g |
91 |
_ |
Helianthus debilis
(East Coast Dune Sunflower)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Ruellia caroliniensis
(Wild Petunia)
g |
91 |
_ |
Lantana involucrata
(Native White Lantana, Wild Sage, Butterfly sage)
g |
91 |
_ |
Heliotropium angiospermum
g |
91 |
_ |
Conradina canescens
(Scrub Mint)
g |
91 |
_ |
Solidago sempervirens
(Goldenrod, Seaside goldenrod)
g |
91 |
_ |
Tradescantia ohiensis
g |
91 |
_ |
Stokesia laevis
(Stoke's Aster)
g |
91 |
_ |
Chrysobalanus icaco 'Horizontal'
(Horizontal Cocoplum)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Coccoloba uvifera
(Sea Grape)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Eugenia foetida
(Spanish Stopper)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Eugenia axillaris
(White Stopper)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Lyonia lucida
(Fetterbush, Shiny Lyonia)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Crossopetalum ilicifolium
g |
91 |
_ |
Ageratum littorale
(Dune Mistflower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Heliotropium gnaphalodes
(Sea Lavender)
g |
91 |
_ |
Asclepias incarnata
(Swamp Milkweed, Pink Milkweed, Rose Milkweed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Asclepias perennis
(White Milkweed, Swamp Milkweed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Asclepias tuberosa
(Butterfly Milkweed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Bignonia capreolata
(Cross Vine)
3g |
3G Trellis |
109 |
C |
Callicarpa americana
(Beautyberry, American Beautyberry)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Canavalia rosea
(Beach Bean)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Chrysobalanus icaco 'Red Tip'
(Red Tipped Cocoplum)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Chrysobalanus icaco
3g |
Green |
109 |
_ |
Conocarpus erectus
(Green Buttonwood)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Crossopetalum ilicifolium
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Distichlis spicata
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Dyschoriste humistrata
(Twinflower, Small-flowered Twinflower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Eragrostis elliottii
(Elliott's Lovegrass, Silver Lovegrass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Eragrostis spectabilis
(Purple Lovegrass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Ernodea littoralis
(Golden Creeper, Beach Creeper, Golden Beach Creeper)
g |
91 |
_ |
Erythrina herbacea
(Cherokee bean, Coral Bean)
g |
91 |
_ |
Eugenia axillaris
(White Stopper)
7g |
133 |
_ |
Flaveria linearis
g |
91 |
_ |
Forestiera segregata
(Florida Privet)
g |
91 |
_ |
Gaillardia pulchella
g |
91 |
_ |
Gelsemium sempervirens
(Carolina Jessamine)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Myrcianthes fragrans
(Simpson Stopper)
7g |
Geode |
133 |
_ |
Myrcianthes fragrans
(Simpson Stopper)
g |
91 |
_ |
Myrcianthes fragrans
(Simpson Stopper)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Myrcianthes fragrans
(Simpson Stopper)
7g |
133 |
_ |
Myrcianthes fragrans
(Simpson Stopper)
15g |
166 |
_ |
Hamelia patens
3g |
109 |
_ |
Hamelia patens
3g |
Compacta |
109 |
_ |
Euploca polyphylla
(Pineland Heliotrope)
g |
91 |
_ |
Ilex glabra
(Gallberry, Inkberry)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Ilex vomitoria
(Yaupon Holly)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Ilex vomitoria
(Yaupon Holly)
7g |
133 |
_ |
Ilex vomitoria
(Yaupon Holly)
15g |
166 |
_ |
Ipomoea imperati
(Beach Morning Glory)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Ipomoea imperati
(Beach Morning Glory)
g |
91 |
_ |
Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis
(Railroad Vine)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis
(Railroad Vine)
g |
91 |
_ |
Iva imbricata
(Beach Elder)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Quadrella jamaicensis
(Jamaica Caper)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Quadrella jamaicensis
(Jamaica Caper)
7g |
133 |
_ |
Chiococca alba
3g |
109 |
_ |
Lobelia cardinalis
(Cardinal Flower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Lonicera sempervirens
(Coral Honeysuckle)
g |
91 |
_ |
Lonicera sempervirens
(Coral Honeysuckle)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Mimosa strigillosa
(Sunshine Mimosa, Powderpuff)
g |
91 |
_ |
Muhlenbergia capillaris
(Muhlygrass, Hairgrass)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Muhlenbergia capillaris
(Muhlygrass, Hairgrass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Muhlenbergia capillaris
(Muhlygrass, Hairgrass)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Opuntia stricta
(Erect Prickly Pear Cactus)
g |
91 |
_ |
Panicum amarum
(Panic grass, Beach grass)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Panicum amarum
(Panic grass, Beach grass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Paspalum vaginatum
(Seashore Paspalum)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Passiflora suberosa
(Corky Stem Passionflower)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Pityopsis tracyi
(narrowleaf silkgrass, Tracy's goldenaster)
g |
91 |
_ |
Prunus caroliniana
(Cherry Laurel)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Psychotria ligustrifolia
(Bahama Coffee)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Psychotria nervosa
(Shiny Leaf Wild Coffee, Wild Coffee)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Psychotria nervosa 'Little Psycho'
(Little Psycho Wild Coffee)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Randia aculeata
(White Indigo Berry)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Rivina humilis
(Rouge Plant, Rougeberry)
g |
91 |
_ |
Salvia azurea
(Blue Sage)
g |
91 |
_ |
Salvia misella
(Creeping Sage)
g |
91 |
_ |
Senna mexicana var. chapmanii
(Bahama Cassia, Chapman's Senna)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Serenoa repens
(Saw Palmetto)
3g |
Green |
109 |
_ |
Serenoa repens 'Silver'
(Silver Saw Palmetto)
7g |
133 |
_ |
Sesuvium portulacastrum
(Sea Purslane)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Sesuvium portulacastrum
(Sea Purslane)
g |
91 |
_ |
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
(Blue-eyed grass, Blue Eyed Grass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Sophora tomentosa var. truncata
(Necklace Pod)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Spartina bakeri
(Sand Cordgrass)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Spartina bakeri
(Sand Cordgrass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Spartina bakeri
(Sand Cordgrass)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Spartina patens
(Saltmeadow Cordgrass)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Spartina patens
(Saltmeadow Cordgrass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Sporobolus virginicus
(Seashore Dropseed)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Trichostema dichotomum
(Blue Curls)
g |
91 |
_ |
Tripsacum dactyloides
(Fakahatchee Grass)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Tripsacum floridanum
(Florida Gamagrass, Dwarf Fakahatchee)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Uniola paniculata
(Sea Oats)
LN |
Cone |
13 |
_ |
Uniola paniculata
(Sea Oats)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Uniola paniculata
(Sea Oats)
g |
91 |
_ |
Viburnum obovatum 'Withlacoochee' (TM)
(Withlacoochee Viburnum (TM))
3g |
109 |
_ |
Viburnum obovatum 'Withlacoochee' (TM)
(Withlacoochee Viburnum (TM))
15g |
166 |
_ |
Viburnum obovatum 'Mrs. Schiller's Delight'
(Mrs. Schiller's Viburnum, Schiller's Delight)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Viburnum obovatum
(Walter's Viburnum)
3g |
Select |
109 |
_ |
Viburnum obovatum
(Walter's Viburnum)
15g |
Select |
166 |
_ |
Yucca aloifolia
(Spanish Bayonet)
g |
91 |
_ |
Yucca aloifolia
(Spanish Bayonet)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Yucca aloifolia
(Spanish Bayonet)
7g |
133 |
_ |
Zamia integrifolia
g |
91 |
_ |
Helianthus debilis
(East Coast Dune Sunflower)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Helianthus debilis
(East Coast Dune Sunflower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Helianthus debilis subsp. vestitus
(West Coast Dune Sunflower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Helianthus debilis subsp. vestitus
(West Coast Dune Sunflower)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Opuntia abjecta
(Keys Joe-Jumper, Keys Spanish Lady)
g |
91 |
_ |
Myrsine cubana
3g |
109 |
_ |
Myrsine cubana
7g |
133 |
_ |
Rudbeckia hirta
(Black-eyed Susan)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Rudbeckia hirta
(Black-eyed Susan)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Rudbeckia hirta
(Black-eyed Susan)
g |
91 |
_ |
Rudbeckia mollis
(Black-eyed Susan)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Rudbeckia mollis
(Black-eyed Susan)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Rudbeckia mollis
(Black-eyed Susan)
g |
91 |
_ |
Asclepias verticillata
(Whorl-leaf Milkweed, Whorled Milkweed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Baccharis dioica
(Broombrush Falsewillow, Hammock Groundsel, Dwarf Saltbush)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Borrichia frutescens
(Silver Sea Oxeye Daisy, Bush Seaside Oxeye)
4 inch |
liner |
55 |
_ |
Borrichia frutescens
(Silver Sea Oxeye Daisy, Bush Seaside Oxeye)
g |
91 |
_ |
Calamintha georgiana
(Georgia Calamint)
g |
91 |
_ |
Conradina grandiflora
(Pineland Mint, Conradina)
g |
91 |
_ |
Eugenia foetida
(Spanish Stopper)
7g |
133 |
_ |
Iva imbricata
(Beach Elder)
g |
91 |
_ |
Liatris spicata
(Blazing Star)
g |
91 |
_ |
Monarda punctata
(Dotted Horsemint, Spotted Beebalm)
4 inch |
liner |
55 |
_ |
Passiflora incarnata
(Passionflower, Maypop)
g |
91 |
_ |
Passiflora incarnata
(Passionflower, Maypop)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Passiflora suberosa
(Corky Stem Passionflower)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Piloblephis rigida
(Florida Pennyroyal)
g |
91 |
_ |
Sideroxylon tenax
(Tough Buckthorn, Tough Bumelia)
g |
91 |
_ |
Sideroxylon tenax
(Tough Buckthorn, Tough Bumelia)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Silphium asteriscus
(Starry Rosinweed, Starry Rosinflower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Viburnum obovatum
(Walter's Viburnum)
7g |
Select |
133 |
_ |
Viburnum obovatum
(Walter's Viburnum)
3g |
Rieflers Densa |
109 |
_ |
Viburnum obovatum 'Withlacoochee' (TM)
(Withlacoochee Viburnum (TM))
7g |
133 |
_ |
Asclepias verticillata
(Whorl-leaf Milkweed, Whorled Milkweed)
4 inch+ |
61 |
C |
Ipomoea microdactyla
(Man in the ground)
g |
91 |
_ |
Ipomoea microdactyla
(Man in the ground)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Myrcianthes fragrans 'Show Stopper'
('Show Stopper' Simpson Stopper)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Myrcianthes fragrans 'Show Stopper'
('Show Stopper' Simpson Stopper)
7g |
133 |
_ |
Myrcianthes fragrans 'Stoppermorph'
(Simpson Stoppermorph)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Myrcianthes fragrans 'Stoppermorph'
(Simpson Stoppermorph)
7g |
133 |
_ |