Native Butterfly Flowers
3825 Hield Rd NW
(View on Map)
Palm Bay, Florida 32907
Brevard County
Mon - Fri 8am - 3pm - Call or email first
- Growing 300+ Florida native wildflowers, shrubs and trees
- Butterfly host and nectar plants
- Landscape quality plants.
Please note: Plant inventories change frequently. Please call for availability.
Plant Name | Size | Other info | Sort Order | Quantity |
Abutilon hulseanum
(Mauve Mallow)
g |
91 |
_ |
Ageratina jucunda
(Little White Ageratina, Hammock snakeroot)
g |
91 |
_ |
Ageratum maritimum
g |
91 |
_ |
Amorpha fruticosa
(False Indigo)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus
g |
91 |
_ |
Annona glabra
(Pond Apple)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Annona glabra
(Pond Apple)
15g |
166 |
_ |
Ardisia escallonioides
3g |
109 |
_ |
Aristida purpurascens var. tenuispica
(Hillsboro Threeawn)
g |
91 |
_ |
Asclepias incarnata
(Swamp Milkweed, Pink Milkweed, Rose Milkweed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Asclepias perennis
(White Milkweed, Swamp Milkweed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Asclepias verticillata
(Whorl-leaf Milkweed, Whorled Milkweed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Baccharis halimifolia
(Salt Bush)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Bacopa monnieri
(Water Hyssop, Bacopa)
g |
91 |
_ |
Berlandiera subacaulis
g |
91 |
_ |
Bignonia capreolata
(Cross Vine)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Bidens mitis
g |
91 |
_ |
Blutaparon vermiculare
(Beach Carpet, Samphire, Silverhead)
g |
91 |
_ |
Boehmeria cylindrica
(False nettle)
g |
91 |
_ |
Borrichia frutescens
(Silver Sea Oxeye Daisy, Bush Seaside Oxeye)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Bourreria cassinifolia
(Smooth Strongbark)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Bourreria succulenta
(Bahama Strongback, Bahama Strongbark [misapplied])
3g |
109 |
_ |
Terminalia molinetii
(Spiny Black Olive)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Bursera simaruba
(Gumbo Limbo, Tourist Tree)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Callicarpa americana
(Beautyberry, American Beautyberry)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Myrcia neopallens
3g |
109 |
_ |
Campsis radicans
(Trumpet Creeper)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Canavalia rosea
(Beach Bean)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Canna flaccida
(Yellow Canna)
g |
91 |
_ |
Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum
(Bird Pepper)
g |
91 |
_ |
Carphephorus corymbosus
(Florida Paintbrush)
g |
91 |
_ |
Carphephorus odoratissimus var. odoratissimus
(Vanilla Plant)
g |
91 |
_ |
Carya aquatica
(Water Hickory)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Celtis laevigata
3g |
109 |
_ |
Celtis laevigata
15g |
166 |
_ |
Centrosema virginianum
(Butterfly Pea)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Cephalanthus occidentalis
(Buttonbush, Buttonflower)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Chamaecrista fasciculata
(Partridge Pea)
g |
91 |
_ |
Chamaecrista nictitans
(sensitive pea)
g |
91 |
_ |
Chasmanthium sessiliflorum
(Slender Woodoats, Longleaf Woodoats)
g |
91 |
_ |
Chiococca alba
3g |
109 |
_ |
Chrysobalanus icaco
3g |
109 |
_ |
Chrysobalanus icaco 'Horizontal'
(Horizontal Cocoplum)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Chrysopsis mariana
g |
91 |
_ |
Chrysopsis subulata
g |
91 |
_ |
Cirsium horridulum
(Purple Thistle)
g |
91 |
_ |
Citharexylum spinosum
3g |
109 |
_ |
Clinopodium brownei
(Browne's Savory, St. John's Mint, Creeping Charlie)
g |
91 |
_ |
Coccoloba diversifolia
(Pigeon Plum)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Coccoloba uvifera
(Sea Grape)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Coccoloba uvifera
(Sea Grape)
15g |
166 |
_ |
Colubrina elliptica
(Nakedwood, Soldierwood)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Conocarpus erectus
(Green Buttonwood)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Conoclinium coelestinum
(Mist Flower, Ageratum)
g |
91 |
_ |
Coreopsis lanceolata
(Lance-leaved Tickseed, Lanceleaf Coreopsis)
g |
91 |
_ |
Coreopsis leavenworthii
(Tickseed, Coreopsis)
g |
91 |
_ |
Cornus foemina
(Swamp Dogwood)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Crinum americanum
(String Lily)
g |
91 |
_ |
Crotalaria rotundifolia
g |
91 |
_ |
Cynophalla flexuosa
(Limber Caper)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Damburneya coriacea
3g |
109 |
_ |
Dicliptera sexangularis
(false mint)
g |
91 |
_ |
Diospyros virginiana
(Common Persimmon)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Dodonaea viscosa
(Varnish Leaf)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Drypetes lateriflora
(Guiana Plum)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Elephantopus elatus
(Tall Elephant's Foot)
g |
91 |
_ |
Eragrostis elliottii
(Elliott's Lovegrass, Silver Lovegrass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Eragrostis spectabilis
(Purple Lovegrass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Erigeron quercifolius
(Southern Fleabane)
g |
91 |
_ |
Erithalis fruticosa
(Black Torch)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Ernodea littoralis
(Golden Creeper, Beach Creeper, Golden Beach Creeper)
g |
91 |
_ |
Eryngium integrifolium
(Blueflower Eryngium)
g |
91 |
_ |
Eryngium yuccifolium
(Button Snakeroot)
g |
91 |
_ |
Erythrina herbacea
(Cherokee bean, Coral Bean)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Eugenia axillaris
(White Stopper)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Eugenia foetida
(Spanish Stopper)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Eugenia foetida
(Spanish Stopper)
7g |
133 |
_ |
Eupatorium rotundifolium
g |
91 |
_ |
Euphorbia cyathophora
(Painted leaf)
g |
91 |
_ |
Euploca polyphylla
(Pineland Heliotrope)
g |
91 |
_ |
Eustoma exaltatum
(Seaside Gentian)
g |
91 |
_ |
Eutrochium fistulosum
(Joe-pye Weed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Ficus aurea
(Strangler Fig)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Flaveria linearis
g |
91 |
_ |
Forestiera segregata
(Florida Privet)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Frangula caroliniana
(Carolina Buckthorn)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Funastrum clausum
(White Twinevine)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Gaillardia aestivalis
(Lanceleaf Gaillarida)
g |
91 |
_ |
Garberia heterophylla
g |
91 |
_ |
Gelsemium rankinii
(Rankin's Jessamine)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Geobalanus oblongifolius
(Gopher Apple)
g |
91 |
_ |
Glandularia maritima
(Beach Verbena)
g |
91 |
_ |
Gordonia lasianthus
(Loblolly Bay)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Guapira discolor
3g |
109 |
_ |
Gymnanthes lucida
3g |
109 |
_ |
Hamelia patens
3g |
109 |
_ |
Helianthus angustifolius
(Narrow-leaf Sunflower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Helianthus carnosus
(Lakeside Sunflower, Flatwoods Sunflower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Helianthus debilis
(East Coast Dune Sunflower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Helianthus radula
(Rayless Sunflower, Manflower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Heliotropium angiospermum
g |
91 |
_ |
Herissantia crispa
3g |
109 |
_ |
Heterotheca subaxillaris
g |
91 |
_ |
Hibiscus furcellatus
(Sleeping Hibiscus)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Hibiscus grandiflorus
(Swamp Hibiscus)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Hibiscus poeppigii
g |
91 |
_ |
Hypericum cistifolium
(Roundpod St. Johns Wort)
g |
91 |
_ |
Hypericum hypericoides
(St. Andrews Cross)
g |
91 |
_ |
Hyptis alata
(Musky mint)
g |
91 |
_ |
Ilex cassine
(Dahoon Holly)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Ilex glabra
(Gallberry, Inkberry)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Ilex vomitoria
(Yaupon Holly)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Ipomoea imperati
(Beach Morning Glory)
g |
91 |
_ |
Ipomoea alba
3g |
109 |
_ |
Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis
(Railroad Vine)
g |
91 |
_ |
Iris virginica
(Blue Flag Iris)
g |
91 |
_ |
Iva imbricata
(Beach Elder)
g |
91 |
_ |
Jacquemontia pentanthos
(Blue Jacquemontia)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Juncus effusus subsp. solutus
(Soft Rush)
g |
91 |
_ |
Juniperus silicicola
(Southern Red Cedar)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Justicia pringlei
(Cooley's Justicia)
g |
91 |
_ |
Kosteletzkya pentacarpos
(Saltmarsh Mallow)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Krugiodendron ferreum
(Black Ironwood)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Lantana involucrata
(Native White Lantana, Wild Sage, Butterfly sage)
g |
91 |
_ |
Lepidium virginicum
(Peppergrass, Virginia Pepperweed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Liatris gracilis
(Blazing star)
g |
91 |
_ |
Liatris spicata
(Blazing Star)
g |
91 |
_ |
Lobelia cardinalis
(Cardinal Flower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Lobelia glandulosa
(Glades lobelia)
g |
91 |
_ |
Lonicera sempervirens
(Coral Honeysuckle)
g |
91 |
_ |
Lycium carolinianum
(Christmas Berry)
g |
91 |
_ |
Lysiloma latisiliquum
(Wild Tamarind, Bahama Lysiloma)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Lythrum alatum var. lanceolatum
g |
91 |
_ |
Magnolia virginiana
(Sweet Bay Magnolia)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Melanthera nivea
(Cat's Tongue, Snow Squarestem, Salt and Pepper Bush)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Melochia tomentosa
(Pyramid Bush, Tea Bush, Grayleaf)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Mikania scandens
(climbing hempvine)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Mimosa strigillosa
(Sunshine Mimosa, Powderpuff)
4 inch |
55 |
_ |
Monarda punctata
(Dotted Horsemint, Spotted Beebalm)
g |
91 |
_ |
Morus rubra
(Red Mulberry)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Muhlenbergia capillaris
(Muhlygrass, Hairgrass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Myrcianthes fragrans
(Simpson Stopper)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Myrcianthes fragrans
(Simpson Stopper)
7g |
133 |
_ |
Myrsine cubana
3g |
109 |
_ |
Nemastylis floridana
(Celestial Lily, Fallflowering Ixia)
g |
91 |
_ |
Neptunia pubescens
(Yellow Sensitive Plant)
g |
91 |
_ |
Ocimum campechianum
g |
91 |
_ |
Oenothera simulans
(morning honeysuckle)
g |
91 |
_ |
Palafoxia feayi
g |
91 |
_ |
Palafoxia integrifolia
(Many Wings, Palafoxia)
g |
91 |
_ |
Passiflora incarnata
(Passionflower, Maypop)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Passiflora pallens
(Pale Passionflower, Pineland Passionflower)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Passiflora suberosa
(Corky Stem Passionflower)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Pavonia paludicola
3g |
109 |
_ |
Persea borbonia
(Florida Red Bay)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Phyla nodiflora
(Creeping Charlie, Frog fruit, Turkey tangle fogfruit, Capeweed, Fogfruit)
g |
91 |
_ |
Physalis walteri
(Walter's Ground Cherry)
g |
91 |
_ |
Pinus clausa
(Sand Pine)
g |
91 |
_ |
Pinus elliottii var. densa
(South Florida Slash Pine)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Pinus palustris
(Longleaf Pine, Southern Yellow Pine)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Piscidia piscipula
(Jamaica Dogwood)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Pithecellobium keyense
3g |
109 |
_ |
Pithecellobium unguis-cati
(Cat's Claw)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Pityopsis graminifolia
(Golden Aster, Silkgrass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Plumbago zeylanica
(Wild Plumbago)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Polypremum procumbens
g |
91 |
_ |
Pontederia cordata
(Pickerel Weed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Portulaca pilosa
(Pink Moss Rose)
g |
91 |
_ |
Prunus caroliniana
(Cherry Laurel)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Psychotria ligustrifolia
(Bahama Coffee)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium
g |
91 |
_ |
Psychotria nervosa
(Shiny Leaf Wild Coffee, Wild Coffee)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Psychotria tenuifolia
(Soft Leaf Wild Coffee, Wild Coffee, Velvet leaved Wild Coffee)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Ptilimnium capillaceum
(mock bishopsweed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Quadrella jamaicensis
(Jamaica Caper)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Quercus geminata
(Sand Live Oak, Scrub Oak)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Quercus geminata
(Sand Live Oak, Scrub Oak)
7g |
133 |
_ |
Quercus geminata
(Sand Live Oak, Scrub Oak)
15g |
166 |
_ |
Quercus pumila
(Running Oak)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Quercus virginiana
(Southern Live Oak, Live Oak)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Randia aculeata
(White Indigo Berry)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Rhexia mariana
(Pale Meadowbeauty)
g |
91 |
_ |
Rhynchospora colorata
(White-top Sedge)
g |
91 |
_ |
Rivina humilis
(Rouge Plant, Rougeberry)
g |
91 |
_ |
Rosa palustris
(Swamp Rose)
g |
91 |
_ |
Roystonea regia
(Florida Royal Palm)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Rudbeckia hirta
(Black-eyed Susan)
g |
91 |
_ |
Ruellia caroliniensis
(Wild Petunia)
g |
91 |
_ |
Sabal minor
(Dwarf Palmetto, Blue stem Palmetto)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Sagittaria lancifolia subsp. lancifolia
(Lance-leaf Arrowhead)
g |
91 |
_ |
Salix caroliniana
(Coastal Plain Willow)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Salvia lyrata
(Lyre-Leaved sage, Lyreleaf Sage)
g |
91 |
_ |
Salvia misella
(Creeping Sage)
g |
91 |
_ |
Salvia coccinea
(Tropical Red Sage, Red Sage)
g |
91 |
_ |
Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis
(Elderberry, Elder)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Scaevola plumieri
(Inkberry, Scaevola)
g |
91 |
_ |
Scutellaria integrifolia
g |
91 |
_ |
Senna ligustrina
(Bahama Cassia, Privet Cassia)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Senna mexicana var. chapmanii
(Bahama Cassia, Chapman's Senna)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Sericocarpus tortifolius
(White Top Aster)
g |
91 |
_ |
Sesuvium portulacastrum
(Sea Purslane)
g |
91 |
_ |
Sideroxylon foetidissimum
3g |
109 |
_ |
Sideroxylon tenax
(Tough Buckthorn, Tough Bumelia)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Silphium asteriscus
(Starry Rosinweed, Starry Rosinflower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Simarouba glauca
(Paradise Tree)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
(Blue-eyed grass, Blue Eyed Grass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Solidago fistulosa
g |
91 |
_ |
Solidago leavenworthii
(Leavenworth's Goldenrod)
g |
91 |
_ |
Solidago odora var. chapmanii
(Chapman's Goldenrod)
g |
91 |
_ |
Solidago sempervirens
(Goldenrod, Seaside goldenrod)
g |
91 |
_ |
Solidago stricta
(Slender Goldenrod, Wand Goldenrod)
g |
91 |
_ |
Sophora tomentosa var. truncata
(Necklace Pod)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Sorghastrum secundum
(Lopsided Indian Grass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Spartina bakeri
(Sand Cordgrass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Sporobolus junceus
(Pineland Dropseed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
(Native Blue Porterweed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Stokesia laevis
(Stoke's Aster)
g |
91 |
_ |
Stylosanthes biflora
g |
91 |
_ |
Symphyotrichum carolinianum
(Climbing Aster, Carolina Aster)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Symphyotrichum dumosum
(Bushy aster)
g |
91 |
_ |
Symphyotrichum elliottii
(Elliott's Aster)
g |
91 |
_ |
Tiedemannia filiformis
(Water Dropwort)
g |
91 |
_ |
Tradescantia ohiensis
3g |
109 |
_ |
Trichostema dichotomum
(Blue Curls)
g |
91 |
_ |
Tridens flavus
(Purple Top Grass)
g |
91 |
_ |
Tripsacum dactyloides
(Fakahatchee Grass)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Tripsacum floridanum
(Florida Gamagrass, Dwarf Fakahatchee)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Ulmus americana
(American Elm)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Vachellia farnesiana
(Sweet Acacia)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Vachellia farnesiana
(Sweet Acacia)
15g |
166 |
_ |
Vallesia antillana
3g |
109 |
_ |
Verbesina virginica
(White Crownbeard, Frostweed, Winged Stem)
g |
91 |
_ |
Vernonia gigantea
(Giant Ironweed)
g |
91 |
_ |
Viburnum obovatum
(Walter's Viburnum)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Viola lanceolata
(White Violet)
g |
91 |
_ |
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
(Hercules' Club, Toothache Tree)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Zanthoxylum fagara
(Wild Lime)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Chionanthus virginicus
3g |
109 |
_ |
Crossopetalum rhacoma
g |
91 |
_ |
Dyschoriste humistrata
(Twinflower, Small-flowered Twinflower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Helianthus agrestis
(swamp sunflower)
g |
91 |
_ |
Ipomoea indica
(oceanblue morninglory)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Lippia stoechadifolia
(Southern Fogfruit, Southern Matchsticks)
g |
91 |
_ |
Picramnia pentandra
3g |
109 |
_ |
Quercus myrtifolia
(Myrtle Oak)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Pattalias palustre
(Gulf Coast Swallowwort)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Ximenia americana
(Hog Plum, Wild Tallow)
g |
91 |
_ |
Sapindus saponaria
3g |
109 |
_ |