Mangroves, Liners, Big Trees, Aquatic Plants
5980 SE County Road 760
(View on Map)
Arcadia, Florida 34266-9607
DeSoto County
Specializing in native aquatic plants, grasses, shrubs and trees. Bare root to 25 gallon. Contract growing. Habitat restoration and maintenance. Littoral shelf and lake bank planting. All bare-root herbaceous plants are collected from FDEP permitted collection sites.
Please note: Plant inventories change frequently. Please call for availability.
Plant Name | Size | Other info | Sort Order | Quantity |
Acer rubrum
(Red Maple)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Acrostichum danaeifolium
(Leather Fern)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Amphicarpum muehlenbergianum
(Blue Maidencane)
BR |
0 |
M |
Quercus myrtifolia
(Myrtle Oak)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Aristida stricta
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Bacopa caroliniana
(Lemon Bacopa)
BR |
0 |
M |
Bacopa monnieri
(Water Hyssop, Bacopa)
BR |
0 |
M |
Chrysobalanus icaco
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Canna flaccida
(Yellow Canna)
BR |
0 |
M |
Cephalanthus occidentalis
(Buttonbush, Buttonflower)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Pinus palustris
(Longleaf Pine, Southern Yellow Pine)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Eleocharis cellulosa
BR |
0 |
M |
Eleocharis interstincta
BR |
0 |
M |
Fraxinus caroliniana
(Pop Ash)
g |
10" |
91 |
_ |
Schoenoplectus americanus
(Three-Square Rush)
BR |
0 |
M |
Quercus virginiana
(Southern Live Oak, Live Oak)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Ilex cassine
(Dahoon Holly)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Ilex glabra
(Gallberry, Inkberry)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Iris virginica
(Blue Flag Iris)
BR |
0 |
M |
Juncus effusus subsp. solutus
(Soft Rush)
BR |
0 |
M |
Liquidambar styraciflua
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Crinum americanum
(String Lily)
BR |
0 |
M |
Lyonia lucida
(Fetterbush, Shiny Lyonia)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Magnolia virginiana
(Sweet Bay Magnolia)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Muhlenbergia capillaris
(Muhlygrass, Hairgrass)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Morella cerifera
(Wax Myrtle, Southern Bayberry)
g |
3g, 7g, 25g |
91 |
_ |
Eragrostis spectabilis
(Purple Lovegrass)
LN |
13 |
_ |
Nuphar lutea subsp. advena
BR |
0 |
M |
Nymphaea odorata
(Fragrant White Water Lily)
BR |
0 |
M |
Nyssa biflora
(Swamp Tupelo)
TT |
g, 3g |
22 |
_ |
Nyssa sylvatica
(Black Gum)
g |
3g, 25g |
91 |
_ |
Panicum hemitomon
BR |
0 |
M |
Persea borbonia
(Florida Red Bay)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Pinus elliottii
(Slash Pine)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Pinus elliottii var. densa
(South Florida Slash Pine)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Carya aquatica
(Water Hickory)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Persicaria punctata
(Dotted Smartweed)
BR |
0 |
M |
Pontederia cordata
(Pickerel Weed)
BR |
0 |
M |
Juniperus silicicola
(Southern Red Cedar)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Quercus laurifolia
(Laurel Oak, Swamp Oak, Diamond-leaf Oak)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Osmunda regalis
(Royal Fern)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum
(Cinnamon Fern)
g |
3g |
91 |
_ |
Rhynchospora tracyi
(Tracy's Beaksedge)
BR |
0 |
M |
Sagittaria lancifolia subsp. lancifolia
(Lance-leaf Arrowhead)
BR |
0 |
M |
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
(Soft-stem Bulrush)
BR |
0 |
M |
Quercus nigra
(Water Oak)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Spartina bakeri
(Sand Cordgrass)
BR |
0 |
M |
Taxodium ascendens
(Pond Cypress)
TT |
g, 3g, 7g, 25g |
22 |
_ |
Taxodium distichum
(Bald Cypress)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Thalia geniculata
(Alligator Flag, Fire Flag)
BR |
0 |
M |
Psychotria nervosa
(Shiny Leaf Wild Coffee, Wild Coffee)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Telmatoblechnum serrulatum
(Swamp Fern)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Annona glabra
(Pond Apple)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Ulmus americana
(American Elm)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Callicarpa americana
(Beautyberry, American Beautyberry)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Celtis laevigata
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Conocarpus erectus
(Green Buttonwood)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Diospyros virginiana
(Common Persimmon)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Gordonia lasianthus
(Loblolly Bay)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Lyonia ferruginea
(Rusty Lyonia)
g |
91 |
_ |
Mimosa strigillosa
(Sunshine Mimosa, Powderpuff)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Myrsine cubana
15g |
17" |
166 |
_ |
Sabal palmetto
(Cabbage Palm, Sabal Palm)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Serenoa repens
(Saw Palmetto)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Woodwardia virginica
(Virginia Chain Fern)
BR |
0 |
M |
Cladium jamaicense
(Native Sawgrass, Sawgrass)
LN |
2" |
13 |
_ |
Tripsacum dactyloides
(Fakahatchee Grass)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Avicennia germinans
(Black Mangrove)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Carya glabra
(Pignut Hickory)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Laguncularia racemosa
(White Mangrove)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Nyssa aquatica
(Water Tupelo)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Persea palustris
(Swamp Bay)
g |
3g |
91 |
_ |
Pinus taeda
(Loblolly Pine)
g |
3g |
91 |
_ |
Rhizophora mangle
(Red Mangrove)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Ulmus alata
(Winged Elm)
7g |
25g |
133 |
_ |
Hamelia patens
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Geobalanus oblongifolius
(Gopher Apple)
g |
91 |
_ |
Viburnum obovatum
(Walter's Viburnum)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Dodonaea viscosa
(Varnish Leaf)
3g |
109 |
M |
Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis
(Railroad Vine)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Zamia integrifolia
g |
3g |
91 |
M |
Ilex vomitoria
(Yaupon Holly)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Baccharis halimifolia
(Salt Bush)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Itea virginica
(Virginia Willow, Sweetspire)
g |
91 |
_ |
Ficus aurea
(Strangler Fig)
15g |
17" |
166 |
_ |
Rhus copallinum
(Winged Sumac)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Zanthoxylum fagara
(Wild Lime)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Salix caroliniana
(Coastal Plain Willow)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Quercus hemisphaerica
(Laurel Oak, Darlington oak)
g |
91 |
_ |
Tripsacum floridanum
(Florida Gamagrass, Dwarf Fakahatchee)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Tripsacum dactyloides
(Fakahatchee Grass)
g |
3g |
91 |
_ |
Serenoa repens
(Saw Palmetto)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Sabal palmetto
(Cabbage Palm, Sabal Palm)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Swietenia mahagoni
g |
7g,15g,25g |
91 |
_ |
Opuntia humifusa
(Prickly Pear Cactus)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Myrcianthes fragrans
(Simpson Stopper)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Cornus foemina
(Swamp Dogwood)
3g |
109 |
_ |
Quercus laevis
(Turkey Oak)
g |
3g |
91 |
_ |
Itea virginica
(Virginia Willow, Sweetspire)
g |
3g |
91 |
_ |
Forestiera segregata
(Florida Privet)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Randia aculeata
(White Indigo Berry)
3g |
7g |
109 |
_ |
Acer rubrum
(Red Maple)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Acer rubrum
(Red Maple)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Acer rubrum
(Red Maple)
25g |
21" |
181 |
_ |
Acrostichum danaeifolium
(Leather Fern)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Annona glabra
(Pond Apple)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Avicennia germinans
(Black Mangrove)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Baccharis halimifolia
(Salt Bush)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Bourreria succulenta
(Bahama Strongback, Bahama Strongbark [misapplied])
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Bourreria succulenta
(Bahama Strongback, Bahama Strongbark [misapplied])
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Callicarpa americana
(Beautyberry, American Beautyberry)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Celtis laevigata
25g |
21" |
181 |
_ |
Eragrostis spectabilis
(Purple Lovegrass)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Fraxinus caroliniana
(Pop Ash)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Ilex cassine
(Dahoon Holly)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Ilex cassine
(Dahoon Holly)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Ilex cassine
(Dahoon Holly)
25g |
21" |
181 |
_ |
Ilex vomitoria
(Yaupon Holly)
45g |
28" |
217 |
_ |
Illicium parviflorum
(Yellow Anise)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Juniperus silicicola
(Southern Red Cedar)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Juniperus silicicola
(Southern Red Cedar)
15g |
17" |
166 |
_ |
Juniperus silicicola
(Southern Red Cedar)
25g |
21" |
181 |
_ |
Laguncularia racemosa
(White Mangrove)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Liquidambar styraciflua
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Liquidambar styraciflua
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Liquidambar styraciflua
15g |
17" |
166 |
_ |
Liquidambar styraciflua
25g |
10" |
181 |
_ |
Myrcianthes fragrans
(Simpson Stopper)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Myrcianthes fragrans
(Simpson Stopper)
15g |
17" |
166 |
_ |
Morella cerifera
(Wax Myrtle, Southern Bayberry)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Morella cerifera
(Wax Myrtle, Southern Bayberry)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Morella cerifera
(Wax Myrtle, Southern Bayberry)
25g |
21" |
181 |
_ |
Opuntia humifusa
(Prickly Pear Cactus)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Phyla nodiflora
(Creeping Charlie, Frog fruit, Turkey tangle fogfruit, Capeweed, Fogfruit)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Pinus clausa
(Sand Pine)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Pinus clausa
(Sand Pine)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Pinus elliottii
(Slash Pine)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Pinus elliottii
(Slash Pine)
25g |
21" |
181 |
_ |
Pinus elliottii var. densa
(South Florida Slash Pine)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Pinus elliottii var. densa
(South Florida Slash Pine)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Pinus elliottii var. densa
(South Florida Slash Pine)
25g |
21" |
181 |
_ |
Pinus palustris
(Longleaf Pine, Southern Yellow Pine)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Pinus palustris
(Longleaf Pine, Southern Yellow Pine)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Pinus palustris
(Longleaf Pine, Southern Yellow Pine)
15g |
17" |
166 |
_ |
Prunus umbellata
(Flatwoods Plum)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Psychotria nervosa
(Shiny Leaf Wild Coffee, Wild Coffee)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Quercus laurifolia
(Laurel Oak, Swamp Oak, Diamond-leaf Oak)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Quercus laurifolia
(Laurel Oak, Swamp Oak, Diamond-leaf Oak)
15g |
17" |
166 |
_ |
Quercus laurifolia
(Laurel Oak, Swamp Oak, Diamond-leaf Oak)
25g |
21" |
181 |
_ |
Quercus nigra
(Water Oak)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Quercus virginiana
(Southern Live Oak, Live Oak)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Quercus virginiana
(Southern Live Oak, Live Oak)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Rhizophora mangle
(Red Mangrove)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Sabal minor
(Dwarf Palmetto, Blue stem Palmetto)
15g |
17" |
166 |
_ |
Sabal minor
(Dwarf Palmetto, Blue stem Palmetto)
25g |
21" |
181 |
_ |
Sabal palmetto
(Cabbage Palm, Sabal Palm)
25g |
21" |
181 |
_ |
Salix caroliniana
(Coastal Plain Willow)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Saururus cernuus
(Lizard's Tail)
BR |
0 |
_ |
Schoenoplectus californicus
(Giant Bulrush)
BR |
0 |
_ |
Serenoa repens
(Saw Palmetto)
2 inch |
liner |
37 |
_ |
Spartina bakeri
(Sand Cordgrass)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Spartina patens
(Saltmeadow Cordgrass)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Taxodium distichum
(Bald Cypress)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Taxodium distichum
(Bald Cypress)
25g |
21" |
181 |
_ |
Ulmus americana
(American Elm)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Ulmus americana
(American Elm)
15g |
17" |
166 |
_ |
Ulmus americana
(American Elm)
25g |
21" |
181 |
_ |
Vaccinium darrowii
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Viburnum obovatum
(Walter's Viburnum)
15g |
17" |
166 |
_ |
Yucca filamentosa
(Adam's Needle, Beargrass)
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Yucca filamentosa
(Adam's Needle, Beargrass)
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Zamia integrifolia
3g |
10" |
109 |
_ |
Zamia integrifolia
7g |
14" |
133 |
_ |
Zanthoxylum fagara
(Wild Lime)
g |
6" |
91 |
_ |
Telmatoblechnum serrulatum
(Swamp Fern)
BR |
shade grown |
0 |
_ |