Real Plants Florida
Growing, planting and promoting
Florida native plants for sustainable landscapes.
Gardeners & Homeowners

Swamp Dogwood (Cornus foemina)

Type: Understory tree Bloom Color: white
Light: Salt: No
Soil Moisture: Wildlife Support: b
NamePhoneCitySizeOther infoQuantity
Chiappini Farm Native Nursery (800) 293-5413 Hawthorne 3g dwarf 109 L
Chiappini Farm Native Nursery (800) 293-5413 Hawthorne #3 112 _
EcoTech Environmental (863) 767-0799 Wauchula 3g 109 C
EcoTech Environmental (863) 767-0799 Wauchula g 91 M
Mesozoic Landscapes, Inc. (561) 313-6661 Lake Worth 3g 109 _
Native Butterfly Flowers (321) 626-7386 Palm Bay 3g 109 _
Sandhill (863) 494-9737 Arcadia 3g 109 _
The Natives (863) 422-6664 Davenport g 91 C
The Natives (863) 422-6664 Davenport 3g 109 _
Urban Forestry 352-466-3919, mobile 352-234-5768 Micanopy LN 13 C
Wise Hands (727) 506-3629 St Petersburg 7g 133 L