Real Plants Florida
Growing, planting and promoting
Florida native plants for sustainable landscapes.
Gardeners & Homeowners
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Hardiness Zones:

Check with local professional

Plant Communities:

Florida Elm (Ulmus americana 'Florida population')

Type: Canopy tree Bloom Color:
Light: Salt: No
Soil Moisture: Wildlife Support:
NamePhoneCitySizeOther infoQuantity
Bereah Farms (863) 446-0350 Fort Meade FG Grade#1, Root pruned, Std, Tree, 14-16 HT, 8-10 Spr, 4 Cal 265 _
Bereah Farms (863) 446-0350 Fort Meade FG Grade#1 Root pruned Std, Tree, 16-18' HT, 10-12' Spr, 5" Cal 265 _
Chiappini Farm Native Nursery (800) 293-5413 Hawthorne _ inquire 300 _
McKeithen Growers Inc. (941) 290-2000 Myakka City 3g 7g, 15g 109 _
McKeithen Growers Inc. (941) 290-2000 Myakka City 45g 100g 217 _
McKeithen Growers Inc. (941) 290-2000 Myakka City 30g 199 _
Urban Forestry 352-466-3919, mobile 352-234-5768 Micanopy _ 300 _